Gage County approves new 911 agreement...and long-term funding for NGage

Gage County approves new 911 agreement...and long-term funding for NGage Main Photo

15 May 2024


Gage County has approved a new four-year agreement with the City of Beatrice for the city to provide round-the-clock 911 and emergency dispatch service, through the Southeast Communications Center.  The agreement holds the annual fee unchanged through the four years, at $236,450. County Board Chairman Erich Tiemann said it’s similar to purchasing a service.

"We're a user. We buy a service, It may as well be a cell tower. We pay for a service, we receive that service. I'm okay with it that way. We don't have that back and forth. If we need something changed, they've made changes to accommodate us, I think....and as far as I know, we receive good service."

Read the full article here.