Beatrice/Gage County Selected for Community for Kids Initiative

Beatrice/Gage County Selected for Community for Kids Initiative Main Photo

28 Feb 2022

Over the past two years, area employers have indicated that the availability of quality childcare is an issue for area residents. In response, NGage reached out to our friends at the Nebraska Children & Families Foundation (NCFF).

As a result, Beatrice/Gage County was selected to be part of NCFF's Communities for Kids, a state-wide initiative which supports young children, families, and those providing their care. The Communities for Kids initiative is a multi-year planning and implementation initiative that was created in response to community requests for assistance with shortages of high-quality early childhood care and education programs.

These shortages impact children’s optimal development and also pose a challenge for communities hoping to attract and retain the viable workforce they need to thrive.

Through the initiative process, Communities for Kids assists in facilitating conversations among each community’s public and private organizations. Communities for Kids also provides expertise, tools, and resources to the community to support the creation and implementation of solutions to childcare shortages. To learn more visit

We can't do this alone. We need community input and buy-in. Please help us by completing and sharing our Early Childhood Capacity Survey by following this link.