Governor's Cup Wins in a Row
(Site Selection)
30 Jan 2025
Gage County and NGage have an opportunity to join a carbon capture and sequestration program—the next generation of Nebraska’s corn industry and evolving green economy. The Trailblazer Pipeline conversion project connects with corn ethanol plants along its route to capture industrial CO2 byproduct and store it deep underground in Wyoming, at the other end of the pipeline.
The project will bring in engineers to plan the work and hire local construction to make it happen. These workers need places to live and work. New construction and maintenance contracts will create lucrative work for tradesmen like electricians, roofers, and plumbers. In turn, these successful tradesmen and engineers support the customer service economy. As success builds, Gage County can come together to forge a common identity as an economically successful biogenic hub centered around carbon capture, with intent to recruit new and existing CO2 industrial users.
Reach out to NGage to find out how to make it happen.
Governor's Cup Wins in a Row
(Site Selection)
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