Governor's Cup Wins in a Row
(Site Selection)
3 Aug 2022
The Margaret and Martha Thomas Foundation announced it has awarded nearly $400,000 to area organizations in the last year.
In the fiscal year 2021-2022, the foundation awarded $375,349 in grants.
Firefighting was a key focus, with $180,000 in grants going to three different entities. The largest single grant recipient was the Wymore Rural Fire Protection District, which received $100,000 to help pay the cost of a new fire truck purchased under an agreement with the City of Wymore. The Blue Springs Rural Fire District received $60,000 to be used toward the cost of a new pumper truck. The Barneston Rural Fire District received $20,000 to help with the purchase of new bunker and grass gear for the fire fighters.
Governor's Cup Wins in a Row
(Site Selection)
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